Wake Forest Raleigh NC Interior Exterior Painters

When is the Best Time to Start Thinking About Your Exterior Painting?

White House Paint ColorSince your home’s exterior is exposed to the outside elements, factors such as the temperature, humidity, and wind can influence when exterior paint jobs should be carried out. This article will instruct you on when is the best time to start thinking about your exterior painting.

The Season
As mentioned previously, outside conditions can influence how your paint job turns out. If you paint in weather that is unfriendly, what you will be left with could be a painted surface with cracks, brush marks, or blotchy patches.
In North Carolina as well as most states, the best seasons for exterior painting are spring, summer and fall. In warmer, more southern states, exterior painting can be done year round, with the exception of rainy and windy days.

If you are thinking of painting your home in the Spring or Summer, NOW is the time to start thinking about it, getting recommendations for painters, and getting your estimates. Most painters have already been scheduling exterior painting for the Spring months, as it is a very popular time of year for exterior painting. In North Carolina, we all know about the “pollen fall” which usually occurs at the end of March or beginning to middle of April. Exterior painting cannot be done properly during the pollen fall. Some people choose to wait until the pollen fall is over as opposed to before, so they don’t have to worry about washing the pollen off of their new paint job.

However, In a nutshell, for exterior paint projects, the weather conditions must be conducive to properly apply the paint to result in proper adhesion and finish. This means temperature and rain, which can fluctuate from year to year, season to season.

Call Early
With what has been said earlier, it should come as no surprise that exterior painting jobs are most in-demand from late April and slows down in late fall when the cold weather begins. It is best to start contacting painting services before the start of spring to ensure that you can lock in the right contractor. Once you find the right contractor, talk to them, you must rely on their experience and knowledge to let you know what is best for your home.

Hire Us for the Job!
If you are currently a resident of Raleigh or Wake Forest, North Carolina, or surrounding areas and need professional exterior painting service, consider the painting pros at Creative Painting Systems Inc.

We will ensure the smoothest, most even finish on your exterior sidings, and we choose only the best quality paints and brushes on the project to ensure your paint job lasts a long while. For a free quote or any queries, feel free to call us at 919-435-6023.

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